Florist survey

Florists in Utah and surrounding communities: please click here for the survey on wholesale market trends and local cut flower needs by the UCFFA and USU. It is anonymous and should take 5-7 minutes to complete. Thank you!

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Melanie Stock
Utah Tomatoes - Root Rot of 2022

Root rot is the main cause of sick and dying tomatoes this year. Stunting, yellowing, purple veins, and plant death are all symptoms. Make sure not to compost plants once they are removed and to rotate tomatoes/peppers/potatoes/eggplants next year to new locations. Read the USU’s IPM release for more info.

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Melanie Stock
DIY high tunnel fact sheets

Our DIY high tunnels are lower cost, rugged, and entirely adaptable. We’ve designed them to stand up to wind, bounce back from huge snow storms, and transition between heating and cooling structures. We now have a COST CALCULATOR to account for changes to size, end walls, and those increasing material costs to go along with our tried-and true, free DESIGN PLANS.

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Melanie Stock