Ranunculus study in Horticulturae

Our new article, “Overwintering Improves Ranunculus Cut Flower Production in the US Intermountain West” was just published. We trialed planting dates from fall to spring, the use of high tunnels, and the use of winter insulation in the field. Here is a snippet of our findings: “High tunnels advanced ranunculus production by four weeks, nearly doubled total yield, and increased the proportion of quality (longer than 25 cm) stems by 50% compared to the field. Pre-sprouting and then planting in November in a high tunnel delivered the earliest harvest (6 Apr.), highest marketable yield (286 stems per m2 ± 36 SE), and highest net returns ($54 per m2), with 39% greater marketable yield for ‘LaBelle’ than ‘Amandine.’ Insulation nearly doubled emergence and improved marketable yield for November field plantings. Ranunculus production was optimized as a fall-planted high tunnel crop in the Intermountain West but may be fall-planted in the field with insulation, allowing growers to maximize production during more optimal, early-season temperatures.

This paper was first-authored by Shannon Rauter, who defends her MS tomorrow! This is her SECOND published paper. She also published 4 refereed extension fact sheets, has another paper in review, and 4 more fact sheets in review. Congrats Shannon! And MANY thanks to all the growers who participated in this trial.

Melanie Stock